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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Liberal Arts]
21 - 40 out of 45 results

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Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor LIU Zhiwei 日本語学習経験者から見た文法シラバス・語彙シラバス,母語の違いに応じた日本語教育,ニアネイティブレベル,テニヲハ論,視覚的語順,言語学習史(LLH)
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor TSUJI Eriko
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor NISHIYAMA Hisashi
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Director in General,Professor KANAI Hayato Japanese Language Education,Japanese Linguistics
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor YAMANAKA Nobuhiko
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor KATO Yukiko Art History, Visual Studies, Aesthetics modern and contemporary art history,visual studies,aesthetics,color theories,novels
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor TOMITA Terumasa
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor TATENO Fumiaki
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor TAKAHASHI Katsuya
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Vice President,Manager(Dean),Professor ICHIHASHI Hideo British Modern Social history,History of Social Movements in the 20th Century
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ICHINOSE Toshiya
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor KOSUGI Ryouko
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor BJOERK TOVE JOHANNA
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecturer OMOYA Yuka
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Manager(Dean),Professor MIYATA Ichiro
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KAWANO Yasuko Japanese Studies Japanese grammar,semantics,case,verb
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor NAKAMURA Daisuke
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor MILNE ALAN George
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor BERTRAM Lars
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor INOUE Tomokatsu History of Japan (Early Modern Period)

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